Spannende Impulse für die Arbeiten im IoP beim Meeting der Beiräte aus Industrie und Wissenschaft
Special honor! Lorenz CEO Wilhelm Mauss has been appointed as a member of the industrial advisory board at RWTH Aachen University.
Special honor! Lorenz CEO Wilhelm Mauss has been appointed as a member of the industrial advisory board at RWTH Aachen University. Within the Cluster of Excellence "Internet of Production", two external advisory boards – a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) – serve to ensure the scientific as well as practical and application-oriented qualities of the Cluster. The IAB consists of high-ranking representatives of leading industry companies in the automotive, aviation and manufacturing industry. At the last annual board meeting on March 20/21, Wilhelm Mauss gave a keynote on the interplay of #circulareconomy and #digitaltransformation, and the according approach at #Lorenz.
Special thanks to Professor Günther Schuh and the further members of the IOP steering committee, including Professors Wil van der Aalst, Ulrich Krupp, Katharina Schmitz, Christian Brecher, Christoph Broeckmann, Christian Hopmann, Robert Schmitt, Wolfgang Schulz, Frank Piller, Verena Nitsch and Martina Ziefle.